
タイトル 敦盛絵巻
Atsumori emaki [Atsumori Handscroll]

著者/作者 伝飛鳥井雅親卿息女一位局筆
Ascribed to Ichii-no-Tsubone, daughter of Asukai Masachika.

内容記述 請求記号:チ4 2084 ; 数量:2巻 ; 大きさ:上巻 26.0×696.0cm 下巻 26.0×545.0cm ; 解説文:この絵巻は「敦盛絵巻」と呼ばれているが、内容は、一の谷の合戦の後、平敦盛の遺児が法然上人に育てられ、母および父の霊との対面を果たすという、いわゆる「子敦盛」の世界を描いたもの。草子系の子敦盛のうち、慶応義塾大学図書館蔵本などの絵巻と同系であるが、他の本とは異なる独自の本文をもつ部分がある。 2巻に分けられて伝わっているが、もとは1巻であったと推定される。室町末期の書写で、詞書16段、奈良絵風の図15面から成る。下巻の題箋に「敦盛伝記」、箱書きに「敦盛絵巻飛鳥井一位局書画」とある。 表紙は後補されたもので、鳥の子、藍・白の重層雲形模様金銀砂子野毛散らし、蝶・草を線描している。 見返しは、雲母引き白地に金切箔散らし。 料紙は楮紙。1紙は49cm前後。雲母引きの斐紙で全体が裏打ち補修されている。 本文字高は23.5cm。1行20字前後である。 ; 2 scrolls. ; Scroll 1 26.0 x 696.0 cm., Scroll 2 26.0 x 545.0 cm. ; This illustrated narrative handscroll (emaki), Atsumori Handscroll, depicts the world of Ko Atsumori (child of Atsumori), son of the famed warrior Taira no Atsumori (1169-84) who died in the Battle of Ichinotani at the age of 16, as he is brought up after the battle by Priest Honen (founder of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism) and later encounters the spirits of his deceased father and mother. Among illustrated stories of the son of Atsumori, this handscroll originates from a lineage similar to that of the illustrated handscrolls in the possession of Keio University and elsewhere, but it includes unique parts of the text that differ from the other versions of the Ko Atsumori handscrolls. While preserved in two separate rolls, it is believed that they were originally one. A copy made toward the end of the Muromachi period (1333-1568), the Atsumori Handscroll consists of 16-part text and 15 Narae-style illustrations. The label on the second scroll reads "Biography of Atsumori," and the inscription on the box containing the work reads "Atsumori Handscroll, text and illustration by Asukai Ichii-no-Tsubone." The cover is a replacement provided in a later period, made of high-quality torinoko paper, decorated with a blue and white multi-layered cloud pattern using gold and silver powders and gold foil cut in thin-awn-like strips, as well as butterflies and grass drawn in lines. For the frontispiece, gold cut foil is used on a mica-coated white ground. The sheets on which the text and illustrations are inscribed is mulberry paper. Individual sheets are 49 centimeters long. The scrolls are repaired and reinforced with a lining of mica-coated ganpi paper. The text area, with lines consisting of approximately 20 characters, is 23.5 centimeters high.

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