Illustrations of Japan : consisting of private memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of the Djogouns, or sovereigns of Japan : a description of the feasts and ceremonies observed throughout the year at their court : and of the ceremonies customar at marriages and funerals: to which are subjoined, observations ton the legal suicide of the Japanese, remarks on their poetry, an explanation of their mode of reckoning time, particulars respecting the dosia powder, the preface of a work by confoutzee on filial piety, &C. &C. by M. Titsingh. /

請求記号 Call No.
文庫08 B0253

タイトル Title
Illustrations of Japan : consisting of private memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of the Djogouns, or sovereigns of Japan : a description of the feasts and ceremonies observed throughout the year at their court : and of the ceremonies customar at marriages and funerals: to which are subjoined, observations ton the legal suicide of the Japanese, remarks on their poetry, an explanation of their mode of reckoning time, particulars respecting the dosia powder, the preface of a work by confoutzee on filial piety, &C. &C. by M. Titsingh. /
●このタイトルで早稲田大学蔵書目録を検索(OPAC title search)●

著者/作者 Author

出版事項 Imprint
London : Ackermann, 1822

形態 Description
xvi, 325 p. front., plates. 32 x 25 cm.

内容等 Notes

キーワード Keywords
古典籍 / 洋学文庫 / 洋学(蘭学) / 岡村千曳

公開者 Copyright


Copyright (C) Waseda University Library, All Rights Reserved.